Pet Peeves! Get rid of Dog Hair not your Dog

Pet Peeves! Get rid of Dog Hair not your Dog

Pet Peeves! Get rid of Dog Hair not your Dog

We all love our pets but the dog hair is something we all want to have freedom from. We at Arrow Cleaning Solutions listen to our client’s requirements and constantly improve to provide the best carpet and sofa cleaning services. I found a nice article on how to remove dog hair from carpets and sofa by Nicole Cosgrove. For those who need a quick summary, pls read below

Ways to remove dog hair from your sofa

1) Lint Rollers

2) Rubber Gloves

3) Fabric Softner

4) Carpet Rakes

5) Hair Brushes

6) Rubber Sqeegees

7) Baking Soda

8) Pet Hair vacuum cleaners

9) Professional Carpet Cleaners

Number 9 should be your favourite as it gets your carpet and upholstery cleaned as you relax. 🙂

Anything made of rubber acts quite well for pulling out the hair. Dyson has a nice attachment to the vacuum which removes hair from carpets. So, start from the top and see what works for you. If you are in Gurgaon and wish to directly jump to 9, Click here.

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